Language & Liberation :
Word Witchery for Healing the Womb Continuum
Monday, December 2nd 6-8PM Mountain Time live on ZOOM with limited replay
“Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.” - Cesar Chavez
The way we refer to our bodies & their processes impacts our beliefs & experiences.
Word & womb witch Samantha Zipporah often makes unconventional language choices to describe fertility, sexuality, & anatomy in her work. She believes that we are the artists & authors of our lives, & that all language is art.
In this live & recorded Zoom call we will celebrate our freedom of CHOICE, not just with our wombs, but with our words. Participants will be invited to make fertile soil for growth of specificity, comprehension, reverence, respect, pleasure & power by composting a myriad of commonly used reproductive & sexual health terms.
We will deepen our intimacy & inquiry with our language choices.
The etymology, context, intention, & impact of a number of terms will be explored; including but not limited to:
Birth Control
Emergency Contraception
Queen Anne’s Lace
The Golden Window
The Sacred Yes
Womb Continuum
Fertility Symptoms
Cervical Mucus
This learning circle is appropriate for anyone who wants to heal & liberate our cultural narratives of yoniversal experiences. Care-providers, educators, parents, & individuals are all welcome.
Together, we will create new spells to conjure healing & liberation, throughout the womb continuum.
Members of Tier 2 & 3 of the Fruit of Knowledge Learning Community attend free as a member benefit. Open to the public for a sliding scale investment between $55 - $33