Miscarriage & Abortion Support
Ending or losing a pregnancy deserves respect, community, support, & dialogue.
Suffering & trauma are not inherent to these experiences: they are situational, subjective, & largely culturally inflicted.
With holistic education & soulful support we can help alleviate undue suffering & nourish vital force through these transformational experiences.
This Miscarriage & Abortion Support curriculum is for doulas, midwives, doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, social service providers, & community advocates. This course was created to educate & empower those who wish to nurture people through pregnancy loss & termination experiences with respect for the process of healing an integrated & whole person: mind, body, & spirit.
The course content includes:
Accessible anatomy & physiology education
Insight into a multitude of both spontaneous & deliberate pregnancy release processes, including first & second trimester losses
Terminations by a variety of methods at all gestations
Missed abortions, miscarriages, & others.
We will answer the following questions & more:
How do people experience abortions & miscarriages in all their varieties?
What foods, plant medicines, & other practical choices facilitate physical healing?
How can we support people with spirituality, ritual, & ceremony?
How do we offer excellent compassionate, non-judgmental, non-medical & heart centered attention?
What natural pain coping techniques such as visualization, massage, breathing, mantras, & other ‘doula tools’ are useful in support of all pregnancy releases?
How can we help people identify & express their feelings, values, & intentions?
How can we encourage a healing experience through the abortion or miscarriage?
Participants will receive:
Lifetime access to course content : learn at your own pace
An opportunity to examine your own losses, biases, feelings, values, & intentions
A wealth of resources including hotlines, healers, books, & websites
Perspective on what’s normal, what needs extra support, & how to offer this support

This self-study course is accessible for members of
The Fruit of Knowledge (fok) Learning Community on tiers 2 & 3.
Members have access to events, Q&As, 1:1 mentorship sessions with Sam, & so much more.
Praise from Past Participants
“This course was not only full of information & resources, but also beauty, art, spirituality, & a big-picture view. Samantha really “gets it”! I feel not only much more equipped to support folks in my own community through pregnancy release, but also like a better person after absorbing some of Samantha’s deep pool of wisdom.”
Ashley Hartman Annis, Full Spectrum Doula & Fertility Awareness Educator, & founder of POWERS: Pregnancy Options Wisconsin
“The deep wisdom Sam shares has literally changed my life. Her wisdom combines a deep sacred knowing with scientific information & offers a uniquely holistic perspective that I haven’t found anywhere else in the realm of abortion care. She has created a space for the expansiveness of human experience around reproductive choices & it is a special space indeed.”
Kirsten Eisele Clark, Doula & founder of Alabama Cohosh Collaborative
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Your donations make it possible for me to offer scholarship to folks in need while sustaining myself & this vital work.
Copyright © 2024 Samantha Zipporah