I created my first “Ovulation Awareness” zine at the age of 19, shortly after learning how to identify my own fertile window & ovulation. I made it the old fashioned way, with scissors & glue sticks, & distributed it widely. I was so enthused about spreading this information, I also learned to hand screen print T-shirts with the collaged cover art. I was giving the zines & T-shirts away for a spell until my doula mentor informed me, “Sam, you could sell these!”
My original artwork & sassy teenaged voice are maintained in the second edition made in 2017, which you can read or download below. The cover art for this second edition is by my dear friend the talented artist Alyssa Rose, whose first pregnancy inspired me to study midwifery & birth.
Within its pages you will find out how to identify our 3 primary fertility signals, & be entertained by my adolescent collages, doodles & use of the word fuck.
I have had many adults reflect to me that this zine helped them understand the Sympto Thermal Method of Fertility Awareness better than any other resource.
I’m offering this book as a free gift to you & yours! Enter in your name and email below, and Ovulation Awareness will land in your inbox. I hope that you find it informative & entertaining. If you enjoy it, consider joining my Patreon community to support me as I continue to make accessible artistic educational materials for all ages.
Original Zine Art By Sam
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Copyright © 2024 Samantha Zipporah